Ski of Persia is a website providing free information about skiing in Iran.
Its aim is to:
- Provide high quality information about where, how, when to ski in Iran
- Connecte travelers (for free) with locals working in the field of eco-tourism
- Help developing a sustainable mountain tourism
Must read:
Ski of Persia does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information provided through skiofpersia.com and by: exchanges of emails and phone calls.
Ski of Persia does not assume any responsibility or liability for any problems that may arise related to the use of any kind of information provided through skiofpersia.com and by: exchanges of emails and phone calls.
Find out what Ski of Persia has done so far…
- Visited most of Iranian ski resorts
- Creation of skiofpersia.com – French and English versions)
- First connections with local skiers
- Creation of a delegation to attend the Mountain Planet trade show
- Part of the Iran 7 Summits SkiMo Project
- Creation of the Ski Touring section
- Publication of the first ski touring itineraries on the map
Who is behind?
My name is Baptiste, I am from Grenoble, France.
I am happy to share my passion for skiing in Iran with you.